Six steps to successful lead generation

Top tips for lead generation mini guideWant to generate more leads?

  • Does your business have an 'on / off' approach to lead generation which tends to be 'switched on' only when you need more sales?
  • Is your lead generation activity carried out 'on the hoof' rather than by following a considered plan?
  • Are you confident that you're targeting your best prospects?
  • Do your marketing messages really get across the true value that you deliver to your customers?
  • Does your lead generation activity demonstrate how you stand out from the crowd?

Our mini-guide on lead generation can help.

Find out the six steps to creating a successful lead generation strategy:
Click here to download your free mini-guide on lead generation

Creating successful landing pages

Lead generation - converting interest into action

Getting people to make that 'last click' - the one that converts interest into action (e.g. making a purchase, signing up to an email newsletter, downloading a white paper or eBook etc.) - is often a fundamental part of any digital marketing campaign.

This isn't an easy job! According to research by landing page experts, Unbounce, the average conversion rate on business landing pages is just 4.02%. That means that over 90% of traffic that arrives at your landing page isn't going to convert into anything meaningful.

The good news is that you can take steps to improve the performance of your landing pages.

Top tips for creating successful landing pages

Make your landing pages more successful and improve your conversion rates with the 12 tips in our eBook 'Marketing: What makes people click.'

Click here to download your free eBook and improve the performance of your landing pages.


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